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Major rainfall events that result in flooding demonstrate the importance of properly designed and maintained storm drain systems. Mismanaged stormwater can be dangerous for the environment, properties, and public health.

In commercial and residential areas alike, stormwater systems help to ensure that excess water is diverted from impervious surfaces and buildings and into the local stormwater system.

The beneficial impact of storm drains is enormous due to the number of functions they serve. In addition to their standard drainage function, stormwater systems help minimize the spread of debris and contaminants, prevent soil and stream erosion, and offer protection for drinking water quality. For property owners, stormwater systems can reduce or prevent severe damage from flooding to not only their own property but also their neighbors.

Properties of all types must be able to cope with the stormwater they receive. Under normal circumstances necessitates it being effectively channeled into local drainage to ensure effective discharge that does not result in flooding or any runoff into surrounding properties.

It can also sometimes require the storage of excess water to avoid overloading receiving waters such as local creeks, watercourses, the ocean, etc.

Storm drain components that assist with site drainage include gutters, soft landscaping, underground storage tanks and vaults, permeable surfaces, rain gardens, and above-ground storage basins.

Stormwater systems serve the purpose of taking runoff and releasing it slowly into natural water catchments or the receiving waters. These systems work in tandem with the environment by making use of natural features such as gullies, lakes, and rivers for the channeling and discharging of stormwater.

There are Several Crucial Functions That Storm Drains Perform:

1. Reduce Flooding

Places that experience frequent flooding can reduce the potential for future flooding events and limit the impact through an efficiently designed and maintained stormwater drainage system.

Routine stormwater maintenance and storm drains are particularly important in flood-prone areas to ensure the drainage system is working as designed and ready to handle increased flows during weather events.

2. Using Collected Water

There are now many drainage systems that actually filter water because of improvements in technology. Water that has been collected by using these types of drainage systems is safe to drink and can also be used for other things such as extinguishing fires.

3. Keeping Plants Safe

A good drainage system is also a way to avoid the issue of plants and vegetation being damaged by overflowing water.

4. Reducing Icy Patches

The formation of hazardous icy patches due to water pooling or freezing poses significant risks, especially during colder seasons. Implementing robust stormwater drainage systems can effectively mitigate these risks by facilitating the efficient removal of excess water and preventing the formation of icy patches. Here are some key ways in which a well-designed drainage system can reduce the likelihood of icy hazards:

  • Proper Sloping and Grading: Ensuring that stormwater drains are appropriately sloped and graded allows for effective water flow, minimizing the accumulation of stagnant water that can lead to icy patches.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance of stormwater drains, including clearing debris and ensuring proper functioning, are essential for preventing blockages and promoting efficient water flow.
  • Installation of Drainage Features: Installing additional drainage features such as catch basins, swales, and permeable pavements can help divert water away from vulnerable areas and prevent the formation of icy patches.
  • Use of Deicing Agents: Incorporating deicing agents into drainage systems, such as permeable pavement designs that allow for the infiltration of deicing chemicals, can help prevent ice formation and enhance safety.
  • Strategic Placement of Drainage Infrastructure: Strategically placing drainage infrastructure in areas prone to water pooling and icy hazards, such as intersections and pedestrian pathways, can effectively reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

5. Avoid Spreading Contaminants

The likelihood of diseases and toxins spreading is increased when attention is not paid to the collection of stormwater because of the toxins that are inherent within it. However, an efficient stormwater drainage system means that water will not collect, and thus, the development of diseases will be limited.

6. Minimizing Infrastructure Damage

When the water coming from storm drains that are backed up is not redirected from roads, properties, cables, plumbing systems, and sidewalks, the result can be serious damage. Having an effective and dependable stormwater drainage system can help to prevent damage to infrastructure and preserve the likes of roads, underground pipes and cables, walkways, and so on.

7. Filtering

Grates should be able to filter out the type of waste that can cause blockages in sewer systems such as falling leaves in autumn. Small particles should be able to keep flowing through in order to prevent the grate from becoming clogged up.

The Importance of Storm Drains

Impermeable surfaces such as driveways, parking lots, and roads can prevent stormwater runoff from properly infiltrating into the ground. Excess water is harmful to the environment and people. As it flows, it collects and moves soil, oil, litter, sediment, grease, pesticides, fertilizers, and more pollutants that can eventually get into rivers and lakes and contaminate drinking water.

Excess volumes of water can also result in flooding, erosion, and structural damage.

Qualified stormwater drainage experts like the ones here at Muller, Inc. are responsible for building these systems to ensure structures can be kept free of stormwater, not damaged by flooding, and are in compliance with local regulations. Contact Muller, Inc. by visiting our website or calling 703-560-4040 today.